Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Fie your mind, and the rest will follow." - Confiecus, 1420

Welcome one and all,

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Alfie the DM, otherwise known in various alternate realities as Ah sHiN, Jean-Paul Van Damme (JPvD), Yu-Fie-Oh! the BeSM cardflopper, Kharisma K. Karpenter- Mind Flayer Starlock Intimidator, and sometimes even Piccolo Picadilly P'rane; the ill-created 4th edition noob Dragonborn Fighter. (I took Potent Challenge as a feat. Nuff said.)

I am currently DMing a DnD 4E Campaign for six of my buddies, namely: Shane (my brother), Vek, Shihao (Shell), and three of my former customers-turned-friends- Kat, Pongtau and Gari.

It was about three and a half months ago, in the middle of June, on a Saturday night in Simei at my condominium.
Since then, we play in the open as much as we can. Also, we start sessions at midnight usually and it can last all the way up until six in the morning at times. Thus, the cool night breeze and a view of the swimming pool next to us is quite refreshing; especially during the longer sessions.

The players roleplay as Sccorians who got acquainted on a sea-bound journey to Maya, a small fishing town south of Sccor- Jewel of the North. They have heard much about it, with word spreading that Maya was an ideal stopover, en-route to the established Sccor Int'l Port Facilities.
With the western slave empire of Ameriza providing two-way trade and commerce, including their most valuable export- sparkpowder, and the mining settlements of the Southlands; with their mineral rich resources shipping Caen-wide everyday, Maya was slowly emerging as a viable alternative to merchants who had always resented having to travel far north to trade their wares.

The original party comprised of Sir Guy- a charismatic and righteous Halfling Warlord, Trogdor the young and mentally tormented Dragonborn Paladin of the Raven Queen, Pennisters the Human Spiked-Chain Master (aka Lv1 Fighter), Emoticus the quiet but effective Human Warlock, Dre the very careful Tiefling Rogue and last but not the least- Weilian, a blind elven ranger with a dark agenda.
Pennisters went missing a month into the adventure, and was replaced by Fel the Eladrin Swordmage, who dabbled in the forbidden Blood Arts and was banished from his homeland for good.

The campaign plays out the party's trials and tribulations, and their quest to make a name for themselves in a new environment- Maya. The fishing town is bustling with trade and commerce, but the six soon find out that not everything is as rosy as it looks. There is murder, politics, and conspiracies galore, as ultimately, someone in control of Maya could become very powerful, such is the untapped potential of this town.

I am running out of time, as tuition beckons. Meanwhile...
Any comments, ideas or rants? Please leave a message at Leeto's Grapevine.
Remember to vote for Pennister's fate, and show your generous support of this wonderful site;

"Do your part. Be a follower. Be a Thrall." (tm)

(Edit: Hmm. Making Thralls is not an easy job. The links seem broken. *tinkers*)


  1. I always thought it's spelled "Pennistus".

    Anyway, you guys got it wrong. The dude actually went back to his first (secret) love, Black Zenith. They spent many lovely nights together and he fathered (or mothered?) many well-hung centaur barbarians babies.

    You don't see centaurs now? Just wait a while (experts say 9 months).

    However, the romance don't last long as he soon left Black Zenith in search of his other lover, the Hag, claiming that "at least, his kids can look human".

    Pennisters eventually found out that his second lover was not actually a night hag, but a night nag. However, some say the love still carry on strong.

    After eight years of slaving, he finally earned enough to buy a replacement spiked chain, only to hang it up on the wall, claiming sadly, "it made me complete, but too bad it's not meant to be".

  2. Haha, great one PT.

    Not too sure about the Night Nag though. (Deathly Screams and stuff) +12? vs. Will at least. Penistus would not have stood much of a chance.

    He would have gone straight down on his knees and went "Dear Dear, Stop the psychic damage on my cranium! I will go home NOW"

    But as I recall Daffodil saying, she cannot confirm that he is no longer of this world, but most likely so.

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