Common birds and docile wildlife populate the plains, while merchant carts and wagons travel along Pelor's Way, eager for coins in the constant trade between Sccor, Coraltea and Maya. The weather is generally good, with occasional light rain delivering refreshment to all. One of Caen's longest rivers - River Sendimendes separates the Plains from a totally different landscape.
The Greater Desert of Harsh's is located west of the River Sedimendes, and is a great expanse of arid sand, home to barbaric hordes, Klinik communities, ancient reptiles like the Brontozoads, Raptorzoads, and the Velozoads.
A huge multi-headed Ptera-Hydra is known to reside in the region, along one of the western dunes. Travellers are advised to avoid the western part of the Desert for that sole reason.
This arid landscape is known for its very harsh and windy desert nights, where the temperature drops to near freezing point and sandstorms are frequent. Day is in fact the best time to travel in the Desert, despite the heat and dryness making breathing a labored chore.
Historians have stated that life on Caen originated from the Greater Desert, with the startling discovery of dino-fossils dating back a few hundred years. As time went by, primitive humans and orcs arrived on Caen, and formed organized tribes hunting the Zoads for food. Their thick hides and body oil were not spared, and was used in the making of shelters, and the latter as fuel for the warming of bodies when the nights were cold.
Those tribes soon settled down in the northern area of the desert, taking advantage of the warmer climate and the proximity of the River Harsh. Many chose to reside at an unnamed piece of flatland beside the river, while the others travelled further north in search of other suitable spots to start a settlement.

A huge multi-headed Ptera-Hydra is known to reside in the region, along one of the western dunes. Travellers are advised to avoid the western part of the Desert for that sole reason.
This arid landscape is known for its very harsh and windy desert nights, where the temperature drops to near freezing point and sandstorms are frequent. Day is in fact the best time to travel in the Desert, despite the heat and dryness making breathing a labored chore.
Historians have stated that life on Caen originated from the Greater Desert, with the startling discovery of dino-fossils dating back a few hundred years. As time went by, primitive humans and orcs arrived on Caen, and formed organized tribes hunting the Zoads for food. Their thick hides and body oil were not spared, and was used in the making of shelters, and the latter as fuel for the warming of bodies when the nights were cold.
Those tribes soon settled down in the northern area of the desert, taking advantage of the warmer climate and the proximity of the River Harsh. Many chose to reside at an unnamed piece of flatland beside the river, while the others travelled further north in search of other suitable spots to start a settlement.
After several years, Gragg, one of the inhabitants at the unnamed flatland, discovered by chance during one of his frequent grub-gathering trips that the flooded plains across the river contained deposits of valuable minerals and stones. He dredged up several platinum ingots and speckles of the incredibly rare forgemetal, used to make the best warrior armor in Caen at that time.
Needless to say, Gragg's life changed and he was soon the most influential half-orc around town. Many paid him handsomely to get information regarding the exact location of the dredgings. News of this discovery spread like wildfire and many started migrating to Graggeg (the entire town was now named partially after him), in search of riches.
Upriver, Harshamupula- a sizable fortress-town, was not affected much, as they were resource-rich in timber and farm produce. The farmers there worshipped Corellon Stonehands- God of Creation, and have his fertile volcanic soil to thank for their abundant harvests. But the same could not be said for the town of Zhyx, along one of the subsidaries of the River Harsh. Many left the town to make the long trip towards Graggeg. That made Zhyx the Warlord -- ruler of the Zhyx stronghold, quite mad; as he was green with jealousy over how matters have panned out. He tried to persuade Gragg into subsidising his town maintenance costs, as there was not enough taxpayers around anymore.
Gragg stubbornly refused, and smugly told Zhyx that life was all about seizing chances and taking the path to the greenest pasture. Livid, Zhyx poisoned the riverflow towards Graggeg, killing many in the process. Gragg, through his reliable contacts, found out that Zhyx was the mastermind behind all of this. The next morning, Gragg announced war on the town of Zhyx. A few thousand-strong army was mobilized and victory was imminent.
After several bloody months of fighting, the Graggeg troops finally managed to make it past the Zhyxian defenses and into the town proper. But they were swiftly rebuffed by a vastly inferior force of hastily assembled townsfolk and common craftsmen. It was then clear that some of the invading forces from Graggeg still had family ties in Zhyx and could not fight properly, leaving barely enough to even retreat safely from the town in the end.
Gragg had failed to conquer Zhyx but inflicted enough pain to warn Zhyx not to mess around with him again. The town of Graggeg grew in importance and size, until it became a large desert port-city. There were several more clashes over the years, but it all ended when Sccor built Castle Greyskill near Caen's Molar. The paranoid desert natives finally had an outsider threat to band against, and relations between the desert natives and Sccor soured to the point where both sides keep making veiled threats to incite all-out war, with numerous skirmishes occurring which involved reducing Sccor's presence in the Greater Desert. It is a situation that holds true even up to this day.
The natives of the Greater Desert mostly wield large two handed weapons like the great axe and the two-handed club. Their battle tactics are crude, and direct at best, the aggressors preferring to outnumber the opponent, swiftly flanking them, and then massacre those trapped in between. Thus with an emphasis on swiftness, the natives uses light armor like leather and hide almost exclusively. Chain mail had and still plays a significant role in their warfare, especially so for the elites. Forgemetal is used to line the chain mail coats of the most able of the desertmen warlords and generals, allowing them to safely enter battle and lead the charge unscathed.
As time passed, the desert natives started to value heavier and sturdier armor, due to the rapid innovation of the Sccorians on the battlefield. The force at which those new Sccorian weapons impact the filmsy light armor of the natives was much greater than in the olden times, some blows shattering the armor completely. The natives began looking for an alternative armor source and found the best solution - open trade with anyone, merchants and pirates alike.
Sccor condemned the move and stated openly that anyone found dealing with the savages would be banned from the city and treated as traitors.
Up to this day, a handful of vessels still travel to the desert towns and cities by way of the River Harsh, bringing supplies of iron and ca-steel (a slightly lighter, more malleable and anti-rust metal) from the Western Caen region. Feylink - a rare ultra-light linkage material found only on particular islands east of Caen, is sometimes brought by enterprising pirates. Brisk trade is made; the visitors leave happy with supplies of platinum and precious stones, while the local armorsmiths are able to make sturdier armor (plate equivalent) for war against the Sccorians.
Needless to say, Gragg's life changed and he was soon the most influential half-orc around town. Many paid him handsomely to get information regarding the exact location of the dredgings. News of this discovery spread like wildfire and many started migrating to Graggeg (the entire town was now named partially after him), in search of riches.
Upriver, Harshamupula- a sizable fortress-town, was not affected much, as they were resource-rich in timber and farm produce. The farmers there worshipped Corellon Stonehands- God of Creation, and have his fertile volcanic soil to thank for their abundant harvests. But the same could not be said for the town of Zhyx, along one of the subsidaries of the River Harsh. Many left the town to make the long trip towards Graggeg. That made Zhyx the Warlord -- ruler of the Zhyx stronghold, quite mad; as he was green with jealousy over how matters have panned out. He tried to persuade Gragg into subsidising his town maintenance costs, as there was not enough taxpayers around anymore.
Gragg stubbornly refused, and smugly told Zhyx that life was all about seizing chances and taking the path to the greenest pasture. Livid, Zhyx poisoned the riverflow towards Graggeg, killing many in the process. Gragg, through his reliable contacts, found out that Zhyx was the mastermind behind all of this. The next morning, Gragg announced war on the town of Zhyx. A few thousand-strong army was mobilized and victory was imminent.
After several bloody months of fighting, the Graggeg troops finally managed to make it past the Zhyxian defenses and into the town proper. But they were swiftly rebuffed by a vastly inferior force of hastily assembled townsfolk and common craftsmen. It was then clear that some of the invading forces from Graggeg still had family ties in Zhyx and could not fight properly, leaving barely enough to even retreat safely from the town in the end.
Gragg had failed to conquer Zhyx but inflicted enough pain to warn Zhyx not to mess around with him again. The town of Graggeg grew in importance and size, until it became a large desert port-city. There were several more clashes over the years, but it all ended when Sccor built Castle Greyskill near Caen's Molar. The paranoid desert natives finally had an outsider threat to band against, and relations between the desert natives and Sccor soured to the point where both sides keep making veiled threats to incite all-out war, with numerous skirmishes occurring which involved reducing Sccor's presence in the Greater Desert. It is a situation that holds true even up to this day.
The natives of the Greater Desert mostly wield large two handed weapons like the great axe and the two-handed club. Their battle tactics are crude, and direct at best, the aggressors preferring to outnumber the opponent, swiftly flanking them, and then massacre those trapped in between. Thus with an emphasis on swiftness, the natives uses light armor like leather and hide almost exclusively. Chain mail had and still plays a significant role in their warfare, especially so for the elites. Forgemetal is used to line the chain mail coats of the most able of the desertmen warlords and generals, allowing them to safely enter battle and lead the charge unscathed.
As time passed, the desert natives started to value heavier and sturdier armor, due to the rapid innovation of the Sccorians on the battlefield. The force at which those new Sccorian weapons impact the filmsy light armor of the natives was much greater than in the olden times, some blows shattering the armor completely. The natives began looking for an alternative armor source and found the best solution - open trade with anyone, merchants and pirates alike.
Sccor condemned the move and stated openly that anyone found dealing with the savages would be banned from the city and treated as traitors.
Up to this day, a handful of vessels still travel to the desert towns and cities by way of the River Harsh, bringing supplies of iron and ca-steel (a slightly lighter, more malleable and anti-rust metal) from the Western Caen region. Feylink - a rare ultra-light linkage material found only on particular islands east of Caen, is sometimes brought by enterprising pirates. Brisk trade is made; the visitors leave happy with supplies of platinum and precious stones, while the local armorsmiths are able to make sturdier armor (plate equivalent) for war against the Sccorians.
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