--Tome of Blood's Terminology--
Bloodcost: Before attacking with a Blood power, the bloodmage pays 1d4 hit points ( +2 additional hp at paragon tier, +4 additional hp at epic tier) for each target involved . This damage cannot be prevented or reduced.
Bloodlink: If the target has the bloodied status, he is considered to have bloodlink with the Bloodmage.
Blood Strike___________Bloodmage Attack 1
Tentacles of blood pierce the enemies, and bring them closer to the cause.
Encounter ♦ Arcane, Blood, Implement, VersatileStandard Action ______ ____ _ ________Close burst 3
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d4 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Bloodlink: You ignore the bloodcost for the target.
The target takes an additional d4 damage, and is pulled
to the nearest square adjacent to you.
If there is no such space available, the target remains in
its original location.
Bloody Retribution___ Bloodmage Attack 5
As stated in the Tome of Blood, revenge is sweet. Seeing it in action, even better.
Immediate Reaction________________Close Burst 5
Trigger: A creature within burst bloodies you
Target: The creature that bloodied you
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d4+ Intelligence modifier damage. The target takes ongoing
damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (save ends). You ignore
the bloodcost for this target.
Effect: You may make a secondary attack against each enemy within 2 squares
of the target.
Secondary Target: Each enemy within 2 squares of the primary target.
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Bloodlink: You may use this power as a standard action instead of a triggered immediate reaction against a bloodlinked target.
Sir Guy, with his acts of bravery and selflessness told at immigrant campfires around the northern farmlands and the temple grounds of Pelor, ponders over his new-found status. Especially so after an encounter with several halflings at the after-party organized by Trogdor to celebrate Head-Captain Tel's promotion. At the back of his mind, the disappearance of Pelor leaves many questions unanswered.
Sir Guy's Merry Men of Movement and Miscellaneous ActionsS____________________ Farmlands Savior Utility 6
You whistle a merry tune, and a couple of halfling peasants appear, ready to do your bidding.
Minor Action ______ ____ _ ________Personal
You can also spend a healing surge.
Special: This does not take up a level 6 utility slot if your Farmlands faction
Drefonis sits on the edge of the bed, playing out pivotal scenes in his memorable fights against Kystik and the Grandfather. His feints, his stealthy attacks, are etched firmly in his mind. He also recalled what Leeto had said to him regarding his next task for the Guild, and contemplates on the soundness of it all.
Dre's Measured Quickie_________ Dirty Leeto Utility 6
You feint awkwardly by gyrating your pelvis, while your dagger stabs at the unsuspecting victim's vitals.
Move Action ______ ____ _ ________Personal
Special: You can add your sneak attack dice to the damage against the target even if you have already expended it this round.
Quiet Step________________MoTG Utility 2
Softly, you meld into the darkness, making friends with the shadows.
Move Action ______ ____ _ ________Personal
occurs first.
Special: You can replace any rogue power you currently possess with this daily power.
Trogdor rolls about in his bed, hardly able to sleep. He looks forward to visiting Castle Greyskill, where he can finally make amends with the Raven Queen and collect his reward from Hen-Lord Alan for returning Raven's Grasp to its rightful place. His alter-ego seems more placid, more controllable now, could it be a result of the new-found peace he has in his heart?
Creature of Havoc________ Trog's Character Feature
The wounds are many, too many, you scream for salvation and unleash the ...
Immediate Reaction ______ ____ _ ________Personal
Effect: You transform into a fearsome man-beast, with almost no control over your actions. You attack each creature in a close burst 2 (Str + 2 vs. AC), dealing 3d8 + Strength modifier damage with your savage claws and bite if you hit. You revert back to your original form after this attack.
Special: Your allies in the burst take only half damage if hit. If you are not holding a shield when this power is triggered, you deal an extra 1d8 to enemies in the close burst 2 area.
Heavy Shield Throw: This custom ability allows Trogdor to clumsily throw his heavy shield into the fray, usually out of desperation or in his preparation to harness his inner self.
Encounter ♦ Martial
Standard Action ______ ____ _ ________Ranged 4, (7)
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: Strength modifier damage, target is pushed 1 square.
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