I thought hard about switching characters to make up for his loss, but the thing is if Sunny is not in the party, we will kinda lack a "tank" role sorta character too, even though she is not a master at keeping hate. The current party will just have to sort ourselves out and play without a member with proper ranged and AoE again.
During Shane's SoW session, Sunny was wielding her new "Solar Enemy" power, which marks out choice targets for her shortsword to smack with. As a child of the Sun, Pelor had granted her this power, and one day at paragon level, she might walk the path of a Morninglord (mistress).
As a party, the four of us worked rather well as a team, with Vek soaking hits and damaging mobs as a respectable off-tank, Kat healing like I have never seen a healer heal before (in fact, I have never seen one deal zero damage before too), and Shell going down to mobs like I have never seen before. He is rather squishy, and that is the life of a melee ranger. Or is it? *grins*
Alvin- the new addition to Shell's adventure, is sticking to two sessions a month (aka Shell's adventure), so I will postpone my adventure until Shell takes a break from his. He proposed a level 10 break so that Alvin can get some closure when his adventure ends. I respect that and will stick to this plan unless altered.
Thus, my promised Caen/Chapter 2 article posting will be delayed until a week or so before my campaign proper starts. I want the information to be fresh in my players' minds as they can be put to use in parts of the campaign.
Lastly, on to something cool that I have been doing for the past week when not sprucing up my campaign, tuitioning, DnDing or playing tennis.
Champions Online by Cryptic Studios; the same company who brought us City of Heroes and Villains.
A visual DDi Character Builder on steroids disguised as a Super-Hero MMO. The Devious Lone Shark? Powerwoman or the innocent Obama-Girl?
This online game's character creation is so deep and fun that I could spend hours making a single character. The gameplay is okay, with generic quests etc, but seeing your character built up and succeed in the game is rewarding to say the least. And its one of those few MMOs that I do not feel the need to grind the levels fast. And for my personality, that is saying a lot.

These are but a few of the characters that I have created up to now. On the left is Leonardo, the Bladed Fury. He is my take on the TmnT and one of my improvised babies as the creator did not have any "turtle" looks or accessories. And that include the shell. I had to customise a bulky backpack to fit the "shell look and I have to say that it turned out rather well.
At the bottom (starting clockwise from the top right), is...
1. Triple H, the King of Kings - I am so asking for a name change on this character, which I predict will happen one day when I start playing Trips regularly. (Leonardo- formerly Teenage Mutant Non-Ninja Turtle, had already been smacked by the Cryptic Studios Name-Change Police.)
2. Lord Soth - I could not get to play him in my DnD sessions, so I recreated him in the MMO. A supernatural knight who condemns the weak and teleport/hovers above the mundane, his green and yellow scarf knitted for him by his deceased wife fluttering slightly in the cold air. Awesome.
3. The Cancer Stick - A reluctant super-cigarette whose dirty nails and toxic fumes can overwhelm and DoT villains to a sloooow death.

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