Chapter 2: Blight of the Chained Demon kicked off last Saturday after a lengthy break. The first episode was especially fight-light due to my time allocated to the introduction and assimilation of the two new party members - Orisis (Osiris) and Astra the Bee-Squasher.
It was a rather smooth transition and they were introduced as outstanding recruits of the Headquarters, ready to help our severely depleted Heroes of Maya. As a bonus, Orisis (Osiris) was a former trainee at Castle Greyskill and would be of help in the party's trip to the Greater Desert of Harsh's where the castle is located.
During the session, there was a lengthy skill challenge involving the luckless farmers at the Northern Farmlands (First, a dragon attack and barely two weeks later, half of the new settlers from Greenich were abducted from their camp in a night raid.)
The party eventually found out that a winged humanoid had taken the role of a prominent "villager" in the Farmlands. He had been trying to implicate Arsilus, an exile, for his part in the night raid and eliminated the party's transportation (their horses from the Mayian stables) in hopes that they might not continue in their investigations.
Back in town, the party confronted him in his house, with Orisis (Osiris) skillfully getting in by the back door to prevent his escape.
Then, came the move. The hapless resourceful assassin decided to use "Shadowjack", his new level 7 assassin power which allows Osiris to attach himself to said target like a bad clothing choice, making him an effective stickler until the end of the winged humanoid's turn.
Unluckily, this also meant that he lost his position to block the backdoor. And the fact that the winged humanoid might be able to fly. With his wings. And with a very brave assassin stuck to him for a single turn.
What transpired next was pure gold. The rest of the party watched in
Orisis (Osiris) practicing his mid-air balancing act during a training session.
Alas, the pain forced the creature into action. He threw Osiris off his precarious perch and he came crashing down to earth, skilfully avoiding major damage. The winged one then disappeared from their view.
Alvin the Arsenal Fan (Astra) summarized the mood by deadpanning in his roleplay voice,
"What actually happened?"
Shell (Orisis/Osiris) simply shrugged, and continued proclaiming his feat in reducing the actual fall damage to five.
With that said, I am looking forward to our next session, when the new party helps Hen-Lord Alan (Castle Greyskill's first-in-command) with his missing patrols in the harsh lands of the Desert.
C'yall soon on the flip side.