Saturday, February 20, 2010

"The Young Ones, Darling We're the Young Ones..."

Hey all,

On Chinese New Year Day Two, I rounded up my unsuspecting cousins and put them through two and a half hours of tutorials DnD 4e basic starter rules (modified). Throughout that time, I had to tell them the fun part was soon to come, and that the creation of the characters and the many many rules would not translate to the game proper. They all agreed and snored blissfully while waiting for the real thing to happen.

Shane had to go home early but was on Skype playing the part of God, with useful comments coming by way of the speakers attached to my computer next to the gaming table.

The necessary evil - Dice.

Finally, at about three in the morning, the final student passed his DnD examinations and the adventure started.

The DM and his minion cousin during tutorial.

I whipped up an impromtu adventure for them in Greenich Village where Mib Trannor, the self-styled dictator of the area has asked for his annual first-born offerings again. And the adventurers were conveniently the first-borns, and were relocated to the forest south to wait out the sacrificial period.

My cousins played a versatile party of five. 
  • Rhino, the quietly bloodied Human Cleric (Lewis), 
  • Mamasan, the Tiefling Wizard who cooks Boars (Melissa)
  •  Vanessa, the male Elven Fighter with 12 Intelligence (Clara)
  • Ang Mo Kio, the brash Eladrin Ranger who announces his powers (Andy)
  • Lorong Ah Soo, the crafty halfling rogue who cannot really bluff well (Kelly)
They went through a skill challenge which tested their ability to forage food as they had run out of provisions in the forested clearing. Along the way, they smashed up three large wild boars, and with a bit of Nature, Mamasan cooked them and even managed to preserve some as Ba-Kua (dried pork) in case they had to prolong their stay in the unfriendly wilds.

Ba Kua, anyone? Rhino stands bloodied  proud amongst the vanquished boars.

After successfully getting their rations, they had to tackle a search party organized by Mib which they managed to distract intially (Mamasan Ghost Sound an SnSD tune to the east) and disposed off later with brute force after a failed Bluff check by Ah Soo to misdirect them.

They rested after that, and returned to town after receiving news that Mib had gone out of the village for some business. The five first-born will have to contend with the crazed man when he returns but that is ... another adventure for another day.

Maybe next year.


Happy New Year everyone, and may you roll critical hits regularly all-season round.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The HoM Fact-Files: How the "Sir" got to be in Guy.

Hey all,

Not too long ago, Shane sent me his "Sir Guy" fact-file which touched on his homeland, childhood, teenage years, and his reasons behind risking it all - for a ticket to Maya.

Here it is, by him, in its full glory.

Tanglebottom was a halfling orphan who grew up in Pax Onarchos, a city known for its human-only populace, druids, knights and council, northwest of Sccor on the edge of the great forest.

Cutting purses and burglary was the common means of survival for orphans his age, but Tanglebottom was fortunate enough to meet the kindly but slightly addled librarian, Edward Pennyworth, whom, mistaking Tanglebottom as a human child, took him in and provided for him.

Under his tutelage, Tanglebottom learnt to read and write. He honed those skills in the library, absorbing volumes upon volumes of texts on knighthood, nobility and warfare. Seeing Tanglebottom's interest in such matters, Edward also engaged a trainer to teach Tanglebottom the art of swordplay. It was during this period where Tanglebottom first conceived of the idea of "Sir" Guy, The Morning Star- perfect knight and Savior of the people.  

Edward passed away when Tanglebottom was 17, never wondering why his foster son grew not an inch in the 12 years they've been together. 

On his dying bed, he told Tanglebottom to seek the Onarch Knight's council to be a knight. Tanglebottom did but was immediately rejected on the grounds that he was a halfling. 

Tanglebottom agreed with them of course, though his concept of the rejection was a little twisted. "Sir Tanglebottom" wasn't really the most inspirational Knight's name and the fact that he has yet to grow a beard weighed heavily on his mind.

He decided to reinvent himself, stepping into the shoes of his image of the perfect knight- "Sir" Guy. The halfling pawned all he had left, bought himself a suit of armor, weapons and most importantly, a boat ticket to the port town of Maya.

Sir Guy's secret- Notice the slightly bent knees for greater lateral support.


I will c'yall on the flip side, with personal contributions from Shell and Alvin themselves.