As promised, I revised the Weapon Saint Custom Character Class played by Shell during our last session, and we will be testing this prototype again in the server this week.
The Weapon Saint (Ver 1.15)*
Pre-requisites: Reflex 12, Intelligence 9, Psychic Talent 11
Weapon Saints are a rarity in the Lands of Legend. These individuals devote their lives to achieving enlightenment together with their chosen weapon. To them, weapons are not tools of warfare, but a soulful companion in their lifelong journey.
They first made an appearance in the Lands of Legend when one arrived on a merchant ship from the Orient after the fall of the Selentine Empire. Utilising feats of extraordinary swordsmanship on both offense and Defense, a Weapon Saint does not see the point of wearing armor or holding a shield.
Weapon Saints are renowned masters with their chosen weapons. As a result, they are often hired as trainers in the best military establishments around Legend. In rare cases, some become soldiers-for-hire in a bid to further their goal of becoming one with their weapons.
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"Hey! Stop being a dick about it." |
Starting Statistics
HP 1d6 + 6
Attack 12, Defense 7
Magical Defence 4
Evasion 5
Stealth 12, Perception 6
Starting equipment: Lantern, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, 2-20 florins and their Specialty Weapon of choice.
Spirit Reserve 1
Weapon and Armor Restrictions
Weapon Saints focuses their entire attention and training on perfecting their chosen weapons, making it one with their body.
At Rank 1, Weapon Saints choose a Specialty Weapon of choice (Any Melee Weapon) to train in. They suffer a -8 to Attack and Defense when using weapons other than their Specialty Weapon.
In addition, Weapon Saints avoid the use of a shield and armor for it restricts their movement and dulls their senses. When donning armor or wielding shields, Weapon Saints lose their Spirit Deflect ability and cannot expend Spirit or enter Stances.
Spirit Reserve
Through intense concentration and sheer force of will, the Weapon Saint generates ki in their body known simply as Spirit. This unique energy is what he expends to perform incredible feats with his Specialty Weapon.
The Weapon Saint has a maximum Spirit Reserve equal to his current Rank. (A 3rd Rank Weapon Saint has 3 Spirit Reserve).
He regains expended Spirit (returns to maximum Spirit Reserve) by entering a trance-like meditation for 4 hours. He must not be interrupted at any point in the meditation or risk losing all benefits from it. (Psychic Talent Success Test)
Basic Training
Through constant meditation and rigorous training with the chosen weapon, all Weapon Saints have the following abilities at 1st rank.
Weapon Affinity
The time spent by Weapon Saints to understand their chosen weapon gives them uncanny skill with it.
When a Weapon Saint is attacking with his Specialty Weapon, he gains a +1 bonus to his Attack and Defense Rating. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th Rank.
At 4th Rank, his Specialty Weapon also counts as a +1 Magic Weapon for the purpose of fulfilling the prerequisite of attacking creatures that requires Magic Weapons to damage them.
At 8th and 12th Rank, the bonus increases to a +2 and a +3 respectively.
Spirit Deflect
Through intense focus, a Weapon Saint is able to predict if an opponent’s strike where and when an attack will connect. He is then able to move his weapon intuitively to parry the blow, so quick that it gives an illusion of the attack deflecting off the Weapon Saint's body.
Spirit Deflect grants the Weapon Saint a Deflect Value (DV).
Deflect Value: Roll d20. If the result is equal or under DV, the Weapon Saint receives no damage from a successful non-critical physical Melee or Ranged Attack)
Spirit Level = 0 ; Deflect Value = 3
Spirit Level = 1 (or more); Deflect Value = 4
Spirit Level = 3 (or more) ; Deflect Value = 5
Spirit Level = 6 (or more); Deflect Value = 6
Spirit Level = 9 (or more); Deflect Value = 7
Spirit Level = 12 (or more); Deflect Value = 8
Spirit Level = 15 (or more); Deflect Value = 9
Spirit Infusion
The Weapon Saint has learnt to direct their intense focus to where it is needed most.
Before an attack roll or Spirit Deflect roll made by either him or an opponent, the Weapon Saint may choose to expend 1 Spirit in exchange for a +1 bonus to either Attack, Defense, Magical Defense, Armor Bypass, Weapon Damage, Spirit Deflect or Evasion for the purpose of determining the outcome of the roll.
This bonus increases to +2 at 6th Rank, and +3 at 12th Rank.
Advanced Swordsmanship Techniques
Extensive training and combat trials have taught the Weapon Saint new ways to direct their intense combat focus known as Spirit.
A Weapon Saint gain an Advanced Swordsmanship Technique (including Stances) at 4th Rank , 6th Rank, 8th Rank, 10th Rank and every Rank thereafter.
Quick Draw, Home Free
Directing his spirit energy to unsheathe his weapon, the Weapon Saint is able to "draw" his weapon and fling it at his target in one swift and deadly motion.
The Weapon Saint may choose to expend 1 Spirit Point to draw and/or throw his Specialty Weapon at a target, using only a Combat Action (Ranged) (Short: 10m, Med: 15m, Long: 20m).
The Specialty Weapon returns to his owner at the end of the attack, whether successful or not.
He also gains a passive +1 bonus to his Initiative Value (Reflexes Attribute).
Illusive Counter
The keen senses of the Weapon master let no weaknesses go unexploited in combat.
When a target’s attack directed at the Weapon Saint misses or is deflected, the Saint may choose to expend 1 Spirit to attack the target as a free Opportunity Action. (+2 to Attack Value, +1 to Armor Bypass)
Follow Through
The best time to end a fight is when the opponent is winded. The Weapon Spirit understands this and trains his skills to exploit it to perfection.
After a successful attack, he may choose to expend 1 Spirit to attack the same target again immediately with a +2 bonus to Attack Rating.
This particular attack also scores a Critical Hit on a natural 1-3.
Upon conclusion of the attack, the weapon saint suffers a -2 to Defense for the remainder of the combat round.
This technique can only be employed once per combat round.
Weapon Stances (Advanced Swordsmanship Techniques)
The many bouts the Weapon Saint faces in his search for perfection has help him develop weapon stances that allows him to adapt to almost any situation.
The Weapon Saint will begin combat in the last stance he used (this may be changed at will outside of combat).
Switching/Ending Stances during combat requires a Full Combat Action. The Weapon Saint may instead choose to expend 1 Spirit Point in place of the Full Combat Action required.
Nova Stance (Offensive)
This stance allows the Weapon Saint to strike more effectively at weak points in the opponent defenses. However, the weapon master also exposes more of himself.
- +2 bonus to Attack Rating, +1 Armor Bypass, Critical Hit on a natural 1-2.
- -6 penalty to Defense Rating, -2 Magical Defence, -1 Evasion.
Grounded Stance (Defensive)
Adopting this stance allows the Weapon Saint to more effectively defend against incoming attacks but cripples his offensive output.
- +4 to Defense Rating, +2 to Magical Defense and +2 to Deflect Value.
- -4 to Attack Rating, -2 Armor Bypass, -2 Weapon Damage
Starfury Combat Stance (Offensive AoE)
When facing two or more opponents the established weapon saint falls back to a group combat stance that utilizes elaborate wide swings of her weapon to engage multiple opponents. However, this stance requires intense focus to maintain.
- ( Requires 8 or more Spirit in reserve to start and maintain stance. )
- -2 to Attack Rating, but he attacks every Opponent in his weapon's melee range.
- -1 Penalty to Armor Bypass and Weapon Damage.
- -6 Penalty to Defense Rating, -2 Evasion.
- The Weapon Saint cannot use any Technique while in this stance.
Highlander Stance (Offensive Solo)
When facing a worthy foe, the Weapon Saint often choose to block out all external influences and direct her intense focus solely on the opponent at hand. This stance requires extreme focus to execute perfectly. Any other opponent witnessing the Weapon Saint in this stance is usually awe struck and watches in silence.
- ( Requires 10 or more Spirit in reserve to start and maintain stance. )
- Choose a single target to focus attention on.
- Against selected target, +4 to Attack Rating, +1 Armor Bypass, +1 Damage.
- Critical Hit on a natural 1-2.
- Against selected target, +2 to Defense, +1 Deflect Value, +1 Evasion.
- Against all other opponents, -6 to Defense Rating, -2 Deflect Value, -4 Evasion.
- Attacks, Swordsmanship and Enlightenment Techniques can only be directed against selected target.
- Opponents of lower rank than the Weapon Saint other than the selected target must make a successful Morale Check when attempting to attack the Weapon Saint or choose another target in range.
Enlightenment Techniques
Weapon saints are not one trick ponies who can only excel in combat. They too seek to reach inner harmony by honing their mind and senses.
The Weapon saint gains one Enlightenment Technique at 2nd Rank, 5th Rank and 9th Rank.
Second Chance
When critically wounded, the Weapon Saint is able to temporary block off pain and restores critical bodily functions. This however exerts a heavy toll on his body.
Requires: 2 or more Spirit in reserve
When reduced to 0HP or less, the Weapon Saint can regain 5HP by expending half of his current Spirit Level. Two rounds after the combat ends, 6 HP will be deducted from the Weapon Saint's HP at that time.
This enlightenment can only be triggered once a day.
Advanced Weapon Appraisal
To the Weapon Saint, weapons are not mere inanimate tools of warfare. They are thought to retain the heart and soul of the blacksmith who forged it and also memories of its previous owners.
Requires: Half or more Spirit in reserve
By placing his hand on a weapon, the Weapon Saint is able to read and recall moments of extreme feelings from the weapon and her past owners using a (Intel + Psychic Talent + Spirit Reserve) /2 Success check.
Exact details revealed is to be determined by the GM.
Mind Blank
Weapon Saints are able to purify her mind and purge and thoughts interfering with the task at hand.
Requires: Half or more of her Spirit in reserve
The Weapon Saint can add a +2 bonus to Magical Defense.
Improved Sensitivity
Darkness is a Weapon Saint's ally and the Light is his guide.
Requires: Half or more Spirit in reserve
The Weapon Saint is able to fight in total darkness at -2 penalty to Attack Rating and -2 penalty to Defense.
He can only be surprised on a result of a 1 on a d8.
Improved Projectile Defense
A highly skilled Weapon Saint can sense projectiles approach and swat them out of the air.
Requires: Half or more Spirit in reserve
If a projectile attack would hit the Weapon Saint, he has a 1 in 4 chance to block it.
This ability can only be used once per combat round.
Courage of Two
The heart of a Saint equals two.
Requires: Half or more Spirit in reserve
The Weapon Saint can roll his Morale Checks or defend against a Fright Attack twice.
Weapon Saint Progression
+1 to both ATTACK and DEFENSE each time the character increase in rank
+1 to character’s HEALTH POINT when she reaches 2nd rank, 4th rank, 6th rank, etc
+1 to the MAGIC DEFENSE each time the character increase in rank
+1 to EVASION when the character reaches 5th rank and 9th rank
+1 to PERCEPTION when the character reaches 3rd rank, 5th rank, 7th rank, etc
+1 to STEALTH when the character reaches 5th rank and 9th rank
*changed Stance Abilities, improved Spirit Level Progression, improved Swordsmanship Technique Acquisition, Crit Chance Probability (Thanks Shane!), combined passives with Enlightenment Techniques, doubled effectiveness of Projectile Defense, (1.15) clarified Spirit Deflect and renamed "Quick Draw, Home Free" Swordsmanship Technique. ( Thanks Shell!)
(1.16) Improved Spirit Deflect